Tuesday, September 18, 2012

inspirational and motivational stories about the rich mindsed

People who see and know Evelyn Adams would probably think that he is the luckiest man in the world. Supposedly this is so, because Evelyn Adams won New Jersey lottery twice in 1985 and 1986 amounting to USD $ 5.4 million.

The entire proceeds from the winning run at all - most depleted in Atlantic City slot machine. He was later to live in a trailer park. William "Bud" Post do more, think he won the Pennsylvania lottery of USD $ 16.2 million or equivalent to Rp162 billion. Later, he invested in the car business and a restaurant, a year later he owed USD $ 1 million and was declared bankrupt. Currently she lives by government social security.

Conversely, a property entrepreneur who decline so badly that he had to bear the debts of the company amounting to USD $ 3.5 million and amounted to USD $ 900 million in personal debt in 1990. Then, we will get to know this man as one of the speakers, seminars, workshops. At that time, you and I are much richer than that person because you and I are not having that much debt.

Fifteen years later, precisely in 2005, Forbes magazine put this person's name to the list of 400 richest people in America. He can change the debt of USD $ 900 million to a net profit of USD $ 2.7 billion in 15 years and you know his name as the Donald Trump. "What is actually the difference of Evelyn Adams, William" Bud "Post and Donald Trump? '. "Yes, mentality or mindset".

"If you want change you have to change the first fruits roots, if you want to change the look you first have to convert the invisible and if you want to change the results you have to change your mindset or the mindset."

Evelyn Adams and William "Bud" Post did not change their mindset so that the old one will drag them to the actions of the old, but the current situation is different. Because it is still using the old measures the results they get a long stay and make a new keaadaan quickly changed and went back to the old situation.
Instead, Donald Trump has the mindset of a successful person because he had previous success. And it radiated to his actions and their results will soon change.
As a Trainer and Motivator Indonesia Indonesia, I often wonder how to change. The answer I first had to change the mindset.


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